Monday, August 13, 2007

"British Leave India" Anniversary Rally

Our cry to India is to leave us alone. Yes, your answer to Khalistan is no - which we will continue to fight. Yes, your answer to give Sikhs greater autonomy is no - which we will continue to fight. Yes, your answer to give more of Panjab back to the Panjabis is no - which we will continue to fight. But what is the point in trying to degrade us into submission when you claim to be the "world's largest democracy." Sikhs are being captured left, right and centre, tortured, and in some cases killed. I don't want to give you the impression on 1984 again, where Sikhs were openly killed in false encounters. Now they are being a lot more secret about it. And something needs to be done.

I will hope that in future years these types of rallies to be abolished. Not due to the lack of support, but due to the fact that India has opened her eyes to the suffering of the Sikhs. But this does not yet seem to be the case - so we will continue to fight. And it is here my brothers and sisters, my mothers and fathers, my nephews and neices - I request that you help us fight - so that we can show everyone, that we are not asleep, that we will not take this lying down, and that we will always remember what was done to us and more importantly, what is still being done to us this very moment.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

To see the photos of the day please click here.

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